info » Research outputs

Collected on this page is a record of my research outputs and contributions to the academic community.

Scientific publications

As author

As collaborator

Book chapters

  • Oei, JL, Buonocore G, Petraglia F, Dani C, Serena C, Clemenza S, Mecacci F, Marlow N, Morgan AS, Modi N, Uthaya S, Hudak M, Yeo KT, Singla M, Palasanthiran P, Preisz A, Gribble K, Opie G, Perrone S, (2020). Global Pandemics, the Mother and Her Infant: Learning from the Past to Help the Future. In G. Buonocore, R. Bracci,& M. Weindling (Eds.), (pp. 1–57). Neonatology: A Practical Approach to Neonatal Diseases. Switzerland: Springer Nature doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18159-2_294-1

Invited commentaries

Published abstracts


Peer review

I am a Review Editor for the section on Neonatology for Frontiers in Pediatrics. I have also reviewed articles for the following journals (in alphabetic order):

Additionally, as a member of the Comité Sciéntifique de la Societé Française de Néonatologie (SFN) from December 2017 until December 2022, I was a peer reviewer for guidelines produced by the SFN, and for abstracts submitted to the Journées Francophone de Recherche en Néonatologie.

I additionally peer-reviewed abstracts submitted to the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS) conference held in Barcelona in October 2022.

Funding and Prizes

Academic citizenship

Early Career Researchers network

I participate in and help coordinate the Early Career Researchers (ECR) network within the RECAP Preterm project following the first General Assembly (GA, held in Frankfurt in January 2018). We hold an annual meeting (in person) as well as two teleconferenced meetings during the year where people have the opportunity to present and discuss their work.

Conference organisation

I was a member of the organising committee for the Journées Francophone de Recherche en Néonatologie, the largest French-language neonatal conference in the world, from December 2017 until December 2022. Committee members are responsible for conference organisation, abstract review and providing facilitation and moderation of individual sessions during the actual conference.

In 2022, I co-organised the DataSHIELD Conference), held in a hybrid format with both attendees at the venue in Barcelona and virtual attendance online.

Journal Club

From 2017 until 2020, I was involved in running and supervising a monthly English language Journal Club in the Obstetric, Perinatal and Paediatric Epidemiology unit (EPOPé) at INSERM. The objective was to allow students and researchers to practise their epidemiological and English skills in a non-threatening environment.